Monday, September 28, 2009

Health Adventures

My goodness. Ater long tests, ill health, numerous doctors, allergy pricks, and more, I recently found out I'm gluten intolerant and also have some issues with casein, which is the protein found in milk. Here's my story:

Let's go back to the beginning of 2009. I was laid off from my job as a marketing specialist for a multi-channel electronic retailer in the Twin Cities Metro area. I knew this was my time to really take a step back and focus on myself and most importantly, my health. We only have one chance!

After suffering from hives/cholinergic urticaria for over 5 years with no answers, as well as persistent headaches and ugly weight that wouldn't go away, I knew this was my time to experiment. I spent countless hours researching what ailments I might have and decided to go see a doctor one day in August when I didn't have enough energy to get myself off the couch. I found out I was deficient in Vitamin D and other vitamins and minerals were out of wack. My doctor chalked it up to IBS and potentially a 'leaky gut', but also believed I could have some intolerance issues as well, so she suggested I pick up the book, The Fast Track Detox Diet by Ann Louise Gittleman to get myself acquainted with detoxing and organic foods. It was the perfect start to a new way of life. I met with a nutritionist to make sure that I was getting adequate vitamins and minerals and that I wasn't leaving anything important out. In the beginning I started from scratch only eating protein, fruits and veggies. I stopped taking my multi-vitamin, DHA/Omega 3s, and probiotics. I did not follow the book to a T, nor would I recommend it because some of the recipes question your committment! Throughout the process I did find out a lot about how our body functions and how important it is that we feed it good-quality, whole foods whenever possible.

Therefore I begin a newfound, INSPIRED journey of personal successes, opportunities that will be gained or lost, and I have a new outlook on everything that comes my way. Recently I braised meat. I am in the process of learning what it really means to begin and keep a yoga/meditation practice. I can give the 'girl-scouts honor' that 90% of the recipes I make turn out great...which means that I can actually cook! :)

Gluten is not my friend anymore! Dairy/Casein and I have a high-school dating relationship (some days we like each other and other days we're fighting...). It's been a very fun challenge and one in which I appreciate each day I get to 'play' in the kitchen. This blog will be my adventures of trying to become an acomplished cook in the wonderful world of gluten-free (GF) with as little cheese, yogurt, milk and dairy as possible.

From my kitchen to yours - Be Inspired!

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